Principal's Message

Welcome to Clairmont Elementary School!


Clairmont Bulldog Parents & Families:

The 2022-2023 school year is quickly approaching and we are so excited to begin the new school year. We hope that you had a restful and exciting summer with your friends and family. 

We invite you to be an active participant in your child's education. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to help your student master the many facets of elementary school. We ask that you help support your student by ensuring that they:

Clairmont is a uniform school and we take great pride in our students showing up dressed to impress and ready for success. Our uniform policy can be found on our website at 

We are striving for 100% participation with our Online Data Confirmation. Friday, July 29th you will be able to view your students teacher and room number, if you have fully completed the online data confirmation. If not, the class lists will be posted on the front of the school at 7:00 am on Monday, August 1st (the first day of school). The link for online data confirmation can be found here 

Your child will bring home a student planner on the first day of school. The planners have a wealth of information in the front that will answer many questions you may have regarding our school. Please review the information with your students. 

Please save the date, as our Back to School Night will be held August 8th at 5:30pm. Mark your calendar and plan to attend! There will be many opportunities for parents to volunteer and be a part of our positive climate and culture. Some opportunities include:

  • School Site Council

  • English Learner Advisory Committee

Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you.